Aura Noir
Black Thrash Attack
10 songs 42:13. Retro stuff as the title attests to. Aura Noir preceded
most of the rehash zombies so this may allow them the possible exemption
of thyne wrath. Quite technical in its guitar work (done in a Mike from
Destruction sort of way) handled by Blasphemer of Mayhem. Other members
include Apollyon (Dodheimsgard) vocals on half the tracks and bass, drums
when Aggressor (Carl-Michael from Ved Buens Ende) switches over. CD starts
out quite well with Sons Of Hades and Conqueror(Awesome drum work) but
starts to lose steam as they motor on. Low point is the inclusion of Caged
Wrath which rips off a particular classic Venom riff. Shades of the
pathetic Inferno? Nah but it will most assuredly annoy many. Not horrible
but the ass-kicking Desaster are the way to go (more honest) if you want
that old feeling.
© 1998 malphas