Black Metal ist Krieg
[No Colours]
As the subtitle implies this is a tribute CD or rather a tribute concept. Kanwulf takes his time to honour different musical acts (ex. Burzum) and different phenomenon's (ex. Black Metal) and other things having a deep impact on his life. Therefor this album contains a couple of cover songs, a fact that may turn some people of. Bear in mind though that the cover songs on this album is covers of bands normally not covered (Sathanas what a stupid sentence) like Moonblood, Lord Foul, Root and Azhubham Haani. The tribute concept has also contributed to some rather stupid song titles. A friend of mine told me that he read a review where a reviewer now labelled Nargaroth the "Anal Cunt of Black Metal", I don't think we'll have to go that far but titles like "The Day Burzum Killed Mayhem" and "Erik, may you Rape the Angels" (dedicated to the Immortal and Gorgoroth drummer that OD:d) certainly could have been lived without.
As usual with Nargaroth you get a lot for your money, this albums clocks in just after the 70 minutes mark. My copy being one of the hand numbered A5 formatted digi-packs doesn't hurt either. One problem though is to make 70 minutes of music interesting, so does he pull it off one might ask? My answer, I guess, is both yes and no. This is a good release by all means but not as good as "Herbstleyd" and therein lies the main problem. When you release a really excellent album (as "Herbstleyd") it only works to your advantage for a short period of time. When it's time to release the next one the probability that it will outshine its predecessor is quit low and people like me come whining and comparing despite the fact that you have released a very good album once more, just not as good as your last one. With this said I'll try to review this album fairly and point out the differences from "Herbstleyd" which aren't many but huge in proportion.
One thing that not has changed is that Nargaroth still play primitive, filthy and raw black metal. The production is rawer than on "Herbstleyd", not only in sound but the compositions themselves are in a way rawer. One of the main factors for this, and at the same time the biggest difference from "Herbstleyd", is that the keyboards are almost entirely wiped out. Also gone is that brilliant ambient, atmospheric feel that were ever present on "Herbstleyd" (one of the main factors that made that album such an exceptional one) and the brilliant samples. Samples are to be found on this album as well but for example, a sample from "Reservoir Dogs" doesn't really capture the great medieval feel of "Herbstleyd" now, does it?
Kanwulf captures a lot of atmosphere on this album as well but mainly through the guitars. Yes, there are loads of great black metal riffs on this album. The drumming is here performed flawlessly by Butcher from Maniac Butcher and Occulta Mors from Moonblood. Kanwulfs vocals also are as good as ever. This album feels overall to be a more speeded up effort than its predecessor, but that is not a bad thing, Kanwulf successfully balance the speed-issue all over this album. This feels more like a "normal" black metal album than Nargaroth fans maybe used to and I clearly regard this as an album far above the average black metal CD one might come across.
In conclusion I must say that I consider this a good album and I hope I haven't turned anyone of. This is a great black metal experience but in places you really feel that spark that promises more, you see the potential and like the ungrateful bastard I am I'd like these moments to appear more frequently. Take the track "Amarok - Zorn des Lammes III" for example, the beginning on this track displays the presence of sampled choirs and sounds from the nature creating that long sought after ambient atmosphere and then the guitar kicks in with a fucking brilliant riff while thunder roar above. Man, what wouldn't I give for an album full of moments like that! But as said this is a good album after all and I really respect Kanwulf for producing a project like this. Now when looking back on the text above I feel like I may have done a big mistake, maybe the cover songs are to blame for the lack of atmosphere in places? Maybe it's only the absence of a 6 min. long atmospheric intro that I grieve? Well, don't j
ust sit there! Go and get yourself your own opinion!
I'll just finish off with Kanwulfs own words:
"Für manche, ist Black Metal Spass, für manche,
eine Epoche in ihrem Leben. Für manche , aber auch nur Zeitvertrieb!
Für mich ist es Hass, ist es Kraft!
Für mich ist Black Metal Blut!
Black Metal ist Krieg!"
© 2001 herr nebelwerfer