A Death Gate Cycle

This is Peter from Abigor's side-project, an uninteresting side-project at that. A running time of twenty-five minutes does not add anything to the disc either. The music is actually similar to Abigor, but with a different (although again similar) vocalist, some further experimentation, and what seems to be a drum machine. A few lengthy synth bits round up the bland running time of this disc.

Let it be said up front that I truly do not appreciate this CD. It seems to be another way to cash in on Abigor's success, or to go even further, a way for Peter to fill up the void that may be his ego. It seems that many artists in today's scene, after achieving some level of success, find the need to release pathetic "side projects" to prove themselves for whatever reasons. This is really no different.

Abigor style riffs, similar vocals……but all done in a far less interesting and down tuned in terms of talent fashion. Some of the keyboard work also ends up being terribly goofy sounding. Is this worth picking up? Absolutely not! It's releases like this that simply clog the underground, and prevent people from discovering the various gems that lie out there. Stick with Abigor Peter, and quit fucking wasting the time and money of people who would actually purchase something like this (I on the other hand, just traded for it :P)

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