Thunderbolt / Kataxu
Black Clouds Over Dark Majesty / Roots Thunder
[Ancestral Research]

Thunderbolt and Kataxu have already appeared together on a split demo, but rest assured that the material here isn’t the same as that release.

“Black Clouds Over Dark Majesty” is an excellent recording of atmospheric, yet still very heavy Black Metal. Acoustic/keyboard breaks, for example the very emotional intro to “My Dark Imagination”, are interwoven with some well-produced and semi-epic black metal. Old Satyricon comes to mind, or even similar bands like Enthroned. Rest assured it’s all done perfectly though, as Thunderbolt are both dark and hateful.

Kataxu, in an opposing style, pull off some of the best slow-paced and ultra-atmospheric Black Metal these ears have heard in quite some time. Imagine a cross between Strid and Gehenna’s excellent “Seen through the Veils of Darkness” album (more specifically, the track “A Myth…”).

Worth purchasing. Unfortunately, this release is a little hard to track down at the moment, so try contacting Ancestral Research:

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