Could this album be any more terrible sounding? So many idiots have gone
on about how great it is, but I find it to be one of the most blatantly
stupid and worthless releases to find it's way into my disc player in a
long time! Let's start out by picking at Unlord's bio. Apparently, even
though unknown to everyone, Unlord have been creating super-fast Nordic
style black metal since 1989. I laughed at this obviously. The bio makes
them out as the greatest and most "true" band to ever exist. The look
like a lot of fucking idiots to me.
Next, the band attempt to give off this "mysterious" aura. No contact
address, no mention of where they come from, and the band photo is
blurry. This made me suspicious . To top it off, someone told me that
this is Nembrionic playing black metal! Obviously this band is not to be
I suppose a mention of the music is in order. Imagine a second rate
version of Dark Funeral, who in the first place are already a third rate
band. If you were to multiply those numbers, then Unlord appear as a
sixth rate black metal band. Fast black metal with distorted and pushed
vocals, boring guitar work, decent drumming, and no apparent care for
what they are doing. This is no more exciting than listening to Peter
Frampton. Avoid this miserable excuse for black metal at all costs. And
pester Displeased until they release the bands REAL bio!!! I can't stand
this CD!!
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