Profanum Aeternum:
Eminence of Satanic Imperial Art
5 tracks; 33:44 (blech :[ )
*from the linear notes:
"Behold our ultimate masterwork. Since now Profanum horde does not exist
any longer and we see no particular need for any explainations (sic)
about this whatsoever thoutfull (sic) decision.
This album consists of five parts:
I- The descent into medieval darkness
II- Conquering the highest of the thrones in universe
III- The serpent crown
IV- Raven singing over my closed eyes
V- Journey into the Nothingness
Written between spring of 1994 and summer of 1996 Anno Bastardi,
recorded in 1997 Anno Bastardi
Why a Polish band feels the need to write their dates out using Italian,
I really can't answer (although everyone seems to do it). Well, this
seems to be Profanum's final release if I made that out correctly. But
is it good?
Let me explain it to you this way: After having listened to it a half
dozen times, colossal amounts of semen are still running down my leg.
This is simply fantastic, in a style I've always tried to avoid and/or
hated: symphonic, atmospheric, black metal.
The demo was simple black/death metal with some spooky synth sections.
The first CD, "Flowers of our Black Misanthropy" was a tad more black,
with loads of synth and so on, yet strangely original (to me at least).
Neither of these releases, although respected by me, were every fully
satisfying though. They both missed that "certain something" that makes
a good album transcend into greatness. Now jump ahead a little: Upon
hearing their newest track "The Serpent crown" on the compilation "Under
a Pagan Moon" last summer, I fell head over heels into passionate lust
for this band, simply because that track was FANTASTIC. It used no
guitars: simply drums, synth, vocals, and a violent bass. Very evil,
original, depressing....excellent.
For those of you who heard that track: Imagine it played with 200 times
the skill, darkness, and sincerity for thirty or so minutes. Profanum no
longer use guitars. The only non-synth/bass/drum instrument they use is
a violin in the first track I believe. And the vocals are fantastic:
screamed/rasped, even distorted at times. The whole musical aura created
here is deep beyond anything, and wonderfully evil sounding. Some of the
"synth riffs" are almost legendary. Bands that I think are boring and
lame such as Limbonic Art only dream of coming up with material like
As most of you know, this is not normally something I would review in a
positive light. I'm a self-proclaimed fan, when it comes to black metal,
of violent, raw, and/or traditional black metal. But this is so rich, so
interesting, and so very worthy. Need I say more? If you don't mind
something somber sounding yet touching the boundaries of (evil)
classical music, then this is as good as it gets. I personally think the
lack of guitars prevents this album from sounding silly, and a fine
choice for sure. And for them to give up at such a peak is respectable,
unlike every other band in the genre that does _not_ understand that
it's time to give up eventually.
Packaging is simple: The new logo on the front, an upside down cross on
the rear. Some linear notes, and some sampled lyrics in Polish and
English. I only wish it was longer, although the running time is
tasteful for such a CD.
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