You know, an Ildjarn CD is a lot like fucking the corpse of an overweight girl : it's cold,
grim, heavy, and not to everyone's tastes (not that I'm speaking from experience mind you).
Ildjarn are a band for those that find the musical intricacies of bands such as Countess too
"musically advance" to grasp - this is as basic as one can get.
What we have here is a 4 song ("I anmarsj gjennom grangrunn", "Ved tjernets bredd",
"Vintermark", and "Skogens Hatefulle Skapning" respectfully) EP from Ildjarn, teamed up
once again with occasional partner in crime, Nidhogg (not that this effects the sound in
any way - Ildjarn could team up with the Spice Girls and it would still sound the same).
None of the material showcased on this CD breaks from the usual Ildjarn fare - simple
repetitive "punk-like" drum patterns, high end screech vomit vocals that can peel paint off
walls, and riffs that would make even Hellhammer look sophisticated in comparison....also,
at the end of the fourth track, there's also a few minutes of ambient guitar feedback
noodling - ambience ala Ildjarn.
That's pretty much all there is to say about this (hey, this is Ildjarn, not fucking
Wagner) - Running time just over the 10 minute mark. Recommended ONLY for those who
like ultra-simple stuff...all others avoid this like the fucking plague. Me, I think
I'm going to play this for the 5th time today...
© 1997 chorazaim