FUCK YA!!! Finally, after watching the neo-old style/thrash trend jump into full swing, and basically hating every moment of it, a band *finally* succeeds in creating an old-style CD. Where as I quite disliked Swordmaster's, Dodheimsgard's, and Absu's most recent "flashback" albums (probably because I liked the bands the way they were before), I'm VERY happy with this chunk of pure fucking blackened metal. Not quite as good as their debut "A touch of medieval Darkness", but that's because they've changed their style a tad bit by laying off the black metal and adding a more metallic feel to the general aura.
The album starts out with the *killer* song "Stormbringer", with a great melodic riff that even rivals the first track on their first LP. Melodic, fast, and with great vocals (though less black-ish than the debut) this song rips the whole way through, and ends with a nice acoustic touch. Track two is less tight in nature, more old-style sounding, yet simply awesome. The rest of the CD follows in this fashion, metallic, fast, and generally just plain old fashioned GOOD. There's even a Kreator cover thrown in for good measure (obviously a hail to their fellow countrymen, yes the "4 Altenessen Headbangers" are none other than Kreator) which is excellent, and then the album is finished off with a nice and melodic guitar part. Good solid black/thrash metal, excellent melodies, and overall a highly recommended album. Not as good as the first full-length, but I have a feeling these guys are going to come out with a killer new album soon.
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