Thy Primordial
Where Only Seasons Mark The Paths of Time

Besides the horrible cover are this is a fairly decent album. Although not exactly original (in any departments) the music here convey's some excellent melodies, and for that part emotions. These guys must have listened to Setherial's "Nord" album a few times though, since the music on this album is almost the same (though not quite as good). Vocals are extremely high pitched (almost too high at times, making them fairly silly), a twin-guitar attack creates some excellent riffs here and there, and the drumming is technically superb (obviously since it's done by Morth of Dawn/Niveden.187). The finest song by far on this album is the excellent "Kristallklar Vinternatt"-with a main riff that surpasses the simple term "excellent" (seriously-this is one of my favorite melody-based/modern riffs of all time!). Some may call them unoriginal, some may call them silly (hell I don't mind calling them both!:P) but this is definitely an good album, and for anyone who enjoyed Setherial's latest should pick this up, if they don't mind grabbing one of those one-sided melodic albums that becomes boring over the course of time.

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