Sort Vokter
Folkloric Necro Metal
[Napalm/Norse League]
Sort Vokter would be the side-project/other-project/something like that of crazed forest creature Ildjarn (also of Ildjarn). Capturing a truly great raw feel, this disc is an orgy of raw black metal, bringing to mind the insane simplicity of Ildjarn (yet less raw), cold yet beautiful riff techniques of Darkthrone, and total greatness which can be captured under the audio sign of this genre. Riffs flow at beautifully distorted rates, and move and twist at melodic and smooth sounding levels. The bass brings itself to the front in all songs, and creates a thick, trance like feeling, making the listener's mind basically "float" while concentrating on the tunes. The drum machine, although easily picked out of the mix, fit's nicely due to the near 80's science fiction soundtrack production found within the near flawless forty or so minutes. Ildjarn's vocals are truly great and create a sense of audio equilibrium. Sounding horribly evil and trollish at one point, they easily fit in with the music at other moments in near distorted states. Keyboards find themselves into the mix, adding more to the laid-back (yet raw and vile sounding) atmosphere, and even add a touch or two of angelic beauty at some points. Basically, this is raw, sick, violent, and badly executed black metal at it's finest, simply because it contains a near epic sense of atmosphere and beauty. Simply excellent, and worth every single last cent you'd have to pay for this release.
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