Paragon Belial
Horde of the Darklands
Yes, I'll immediately recommend this disc to you, simply because it combines a very Celtic-Frost sound, while also peppering the music with some non-Celtic Frost sounding Darkthrone sections. Containing Bethlehem's ex-vocalist (no, he's not dead), the music here is successfully doomy, violent, and very much black metal. Take the killer track "Coming of a new Dynasty"...*very* Celtic Frost in sound, but also filled with some killer bass hits. Or the opening to the song "Shadow Grave"....if you've heard Bethlehem, you'll obviously notice that Andras took some of their sound with him (now that I think of it, besides the before mentioned bands, Paragon Belial have a very early-Bethlehem style sound to them). Darkthrone's "Under a Funeral Moon" style riffs also come into to play here, especially in the faster areas of the music. Vocally....again think of early Bethlehem, since that's almost exactly what the vocals sound like (makes sense doesn't it?), and are thus very cranky sounding. Yes, everything here works nicely, it's not a "cheap" sounding album at all, nor is it "plastic black metal"...and thus will take some actual love for the music, and concentration to eventually find the huge amount's of total hatred within the music. If you like your music black, if you like older style black metal (NOT THRASH), or would enjoy hearing some Celtic Frost/Darkthrone-ish sections, filled with various Bethlehem style doomy riffs, then by all means purchase this. I'm happy I did, not only for the pure hatred and gloomy (plus the godly track "Horns of Reprisal") songs, but also for the fantastic band that I've now been introduced too.
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