Niden Div.187

N.D.187 released a demo a while back (which was pressed on CD eventually) that comprised of some very fast, straight-forward black metal ala Zyklon B. This follows through with even more very simple, very fast, and fairly brutal tracks. Alas, what more can be said about this!!?? The music if very fast...apocalyptic at times, somewhat in the vein of Immortal's "Battles in the North" (but far cleaner sounding), and has Henke of Dawn on vocals (screech sounding, listen to Dawn and you'll know what they sound like). The worst part about this though is the running time....26 minutes for the price of a LP!!! ARRGHGH!! Well, for the most part the music is above average, but lacks any "feel" or "substance". Morth of Thy Primordial's drumming is really top-notch here, and the guitar sections, although fairly boring sounding, are melodic yet raw enough to be somewhat enjoyable. Luckily I have a nice solution to solve the horrible dilemma of "Should I purchase this album or not?". It's really quite simple actually. Since the album doesn't have the best production, mind-blowing music, and such a miserable running time, just tape-trade it. It's that simple, and worth nothing more.

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