Minas Morgul
The Wilderness Shrouded in Winds
[No Trends]
This is Aro of Perunwit's side project of a more blackened version of....Perunwit!. Keyboards are very similar, and the occasional usage of guitars is here, but the main difference is of course the screechy (yet somewhat sombre sounding) vocals that find themselves into the mix. And again, just like Perunwit, this is very successful in it's attempt to create an interesting atmosphere. There's a tad more experimentation going on here, and less of folky atmosphere, but just as Perunwit creates a sad sounding aura, Minas Morgul creates a more low-key, hate filled one. Summary: An excellent demo, hand limited to 200, and another exceptional creation from the mastermind behind Perunwit. For fans of dark-ambient/black-ambient exclusively.
c/o Tomasz "Belath" Borowski
P.O Box 17
© 1997 brand